The CPUs have an internal clock frequency, that is used to synchronize the whole chip to execute certain instructions. Every time a computer executes certain instructions, energy flows through the chip, dissipates into heat, and then warms up the processor. That is why processors have Dynamic Frequency Scaling, which can effectively speed up or slow down the computer, which will make the processor work on fewer instructions per second, but will warm up less than it would otherwise.
I came to understand that our brains might work a little differently than that, in the sense that the speed of our brains is faster if more hormones are floating around, and less if there aren't any, which makes sense if you have to run away from a wild boar (I first wanted to say "bear", but as Leonardo DiCaprio showed us, there is no reason for that). But if you are laid down in a bed, fewer hormones will be produced, therefore less brain processing. However, as my experience goes, the brain does not seem to cope with the absence of hormones for a long period. Which seems reasonable from an evolutive perspective, if you want your species to keep evolving. Besides, that is why one has so many ideas flowing around during the Sunday mass. That is a statement that I could never formalize to myself but always seemed reasonable, as an answer to why one could not be dived into social media apps for too long, no matter how funny cat videos are. Later I started questioning the siren call effect produced by those apps that makes you stick to it for too long, and if there is a way to bypass it at all.
Additionally, the idea of wanting to do something is the base reason behind the addictiveness of entertainment apps such as YouTube, which always gives you something interesting to watch, or something new to think about. Generally, when one gets to the boredom state the brain quickly starts pondering what should be done now. There seem to be two paths the brain might take, the first and easiest is the "Straightforward Things" Path, which has many subpaths such as: reading a book you started, continuing writing a blog post, and doing some more challenges from a CTF. This path is filled with straightforward decisions because you know exactly what to do if you decide to proceed in that subpath. For example, if you pick "continue reading a book" you don't have to choose from the library of books you already have (which might be a difficult task), you just have to pick the last one. Unlucky for us, this path is the one that contains the "continue seeing Instagram" subpath as well, which is very straightforward to do as you might instinctively recognize the Instagram app icon.
Alternatively, the second is the "Novel Things" Path, which might have something like building a physics engine using C, configuring a private DNS server, or reasoning about an idea you had. All those subpaths are the ones that you previously thought might be possible, but you never thought about how to start it. If you thought about how to start it, then it should be straightforward. If you somehow skip the Straightforward path, which is very enticing, you would have to think about how to start this novel thing, which can be a real rollercoaster of emotions. The main problem with that path is getting to the zone where you have many ideas about how to start but you never try anything because you want to make sure you understand the whole path before taking it. While it might make sense, it is not applicable to more complex scenarios that are hard to keep all in memory at the same time. As you spend a lot of time thinking but not getting results, it might seem like walking on a treadmill and hoping the landscape changes. That is why this path is tricky, because even though in a more simple Novel Idea you should be able to think the whole way through, in a more complex project you might experiment without thinking much, finding which one is the case is the difficult part.
In summary, the Straightforward Path is usually the one where you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, while the Novel Path is the one where you get in with a blindfold. However, even though the Novel Path does not seem so tempting, the brain seems to reward both paths differently, following that "less effort, less reward" rule, in a very exponential fashion. Everyone knows the effect of building something or writing a new program you thought about, compared to the reward of skipping through Instagram posts for an hour. If you think about it, the reward rule being something like an exponential function makes a lot of sense from a species evolutional perspective: Do you want a species that keeps doing the same thing all the time, or do you want some that keep trying new stuff?
Unfortunately, it is very easy to control human behavior by adding subpaths to the Straightforward path. While before, subpaths like "continue reading a book", or "clean your room" demanded some effort, nowadays there are subpaths like "listening to the radio", "watching a YouTube video" or "Skipping through TikTok videos" that demand almost no effort but a decent amount of reward, skyrocketing the ratio effort over reward. That leads to my main fear of the future, which is the possibility of someone never having the feeling of the reward after doing something new voluntarily, because of this social media addiction (p.s. I am discarding the scenario where you would have to do it involuntary, such as doing homework).
That is a subject that leads me to another interesting topic, boredom. It is often during boredom times (Like being at church, or listening to a class you have no interest in) that lead you to the first step on a "Novel" subpath, which is awesome. But other than that, there are very few moments when you decide to eat without watching or listening to something. Or even finishing a project, and just looking through the window until something new comes up. Usually, Straightforward subpaths arrive way earlier in mind, and picking up the smartphone comes almost instinctively, which is good because it gives your brain something to think about, but it is actually a local maximal in terms of reward but is very far from the global maximal that you would get to if you think of something novel to do. Maybe we should take a little more time before taking our phones, but what is the clear incentive to do that?